Energy Academy
An international centre of excellence and a gateway to Heriot-Watt's energy research and training activities


Events Calendar

Introduction to Industry 4.0
From Tuesday 11 September 2018 -  08:30am
To Friday 21 September 2018 - 10:45am
Hits : 469
Contact David Nicholson Tel: 07539 922495 Email:

Fife Council Economic Development, Centre for Engineering Education and Development (CeeD) and the Scottish Manufacturing Advisory Services are inviting you to join them for an Introduction to Industry 4.0 on Tuesday 11th September 2018 from 8:30am to 10:45am at The Enterprise Hub Fife, 1st Floor, 1 Falkland Gate, Glenrothes, KY7 5NS.

The world of manufacturing is experiencing rapid advances in digital technologies that are transforming the way we design, build and sell our products and services. New business models are creating opportunities for businesses to improve productivity and profitability.

Industry 4.0, 4IR, Smart Manufacturing, Manufacturing 4.0. Whatever term you’re familiar with, they all mean the same thing: the integration of traditional manufacturing processes with digital technologies to connect products, people, plant, business and supply chains together.

To ensure Scottish businesses are well placed to grow and earn higher income from this revolution a large amount of support has been made available to them through Scottish Enterprise and newly created Innovation Centres. This event is designed to introduce companies to the topic and make them aware of the support that they can access.

To register for this event, click here

Location Enterprise Hub Fife, 1st Floor, 1 Falkland Gate, Glenrothes, KY7 5NS.


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