Energy Academy
An international centre of excellence and a gateway to Heriot-Watt's energy research and training activities


Events Calendar

RenewableUK Wave & Tidal 2018
Wednesday 28 February 2018
Hits : 264
Contact Liz Ross 0207 901 3000

RenewableUK Wave & Tidal 2018

The Ocean Energy Race: Winning Local Jobs for the Global Market

RenewableUK's 14th annual Wave & Tidal Conference and Exhibition will take place in Glasgow on 28 February 2018.  The event will bring together leading developers, OEM’s, financial and innovation funding experts, technical and safety professionals, regulators and government stakeholders representing the range of interests across the UK, and wider international marine energy supply chain.

Why attend?

Brexit and the Industrial Strategy are opportunities for the regions outside of the South-East and support them to drive economic growth – here and abroad. Wave and tidal energy industries are part of this.

In Glasgow, hear from MPs and regional political leaders as they set out their vision for marine energy driving local economic growth. We will also welcome delegates from our industries’ global markets as they set out upcoming opportunities and debate how we can drive global exports. And it will be a chance for us to debate together how we can overcome the common challenges that lie before us.

As the first marine conference after the publication of the Government’s Industrial Strategy, join us to discuss what it means for our industries.

The call for abstracts will open in early Autumn.

Participants will be able to:

Meet regional political leaders and understand their vision for marine energy
Understand what the Government’s Industrial Strategy means for the wave and tidal industries as soon as its published
Discuss innovative and practical solutions to our common challenges within our industries and those outside of it facing similar challenges


Location SEC Glasgow United Kingdom -


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